What is the face value and place value of 2 in 93207?

The place value of 2 is 2 hundreds or 200 and its face value is 2 in 93207.


Given number: 9 3 2 0 7

The digit 7 is in ones place in the number 93207.So,the place value of 7 will be 7 ones or (7×1) which is 7.

The digit 0 is in tens place in the number 93207.So, the place value of 0 will be 0 tens or (0×10) which is 0.

The digit 2 is in hundreds place in the number 93207.So,the place value of 2 will be 2 hundreds or (2×100) which is 200.

Besides,the digit 3 is in thousands place in the number 93207.So,the place value of 3 will be 3 thousands or (3×1000) which is 3000.

Moreover,the digit 9 is in ten thousands place in the number 93207.So,the place value of 9 will be 9 ten thousands or (9×10×1000) which is 90000.

Again,given number: 93207

The face value of 9 is 9.Besides, the face value of 3 is 3 , the face value of 2 is 2 , the face value of 0 is 0 and the face value of 7 is 7.In case of face value, you need to write the digit itself.


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